Tailwind CSS cheat sheet (mini)

Tailwind CSS cheat sheet (mini)

July 20, 2024

Tailwind CSS Cheat Sheet for Ghost CMS Blog Posts


This cheat sheet provides a quick reference for commonly used Tailwind CSS classes when styling blog posts in Ghost CMS. Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework that allows for rapid custom designs. When combined with Ghost's powerful content management system, it enables creators to build beautifully styled blog posts efficiently.

Remember to include Tailwind CSS in your Ghost theme for these classes to take effect. You can use these classes directly in your theme's templates or via Ghost's content API for inline styling.


  • Font size: text-sm, text-base, text-lg, text-xl, text-2xl, text-3xl
  • Font weight: font-normal, font-medium, font-semibold, font-bold
  • Text color: text-gray-700, text-blue-600, text-red-500
  • Line height: leading-normal, leading-relaxed, leading-loose
  • Text alignment: text-left, text-center, text-right
  • Text decoration: underline, line-through


  • Margin: m-2, mt-4, mb-6, mx-auto
  • Padding: p-4, pt-2, pb-8, px-4


  • Display: block, inline, inline-block, flex
  • Flex: flex-row, flex-col, items-center, justify-between
  • Width: w-full, w-1/2, w-64
  • Max-width: max-w-sm, max-w-md, max-w-lg, max-w-xl


  • Border: border, border-2, border-t, border-b
  • Border color: border-gray-300, border-blue-500
  • Border radius: rounded, rounded-lg, rounded-full


  • Background color: bg-white, bg-gray-100, bg-blue-500
  • Opacity: opacity-75, opacity-50


  • Object fit: object-cover, object-contain
  • Object position: object-center, object-top

Responsive Design

  • Breakpoints: sm:, md:, lg:, xl: (e.g., md:text-lg)

Ghost-specific classes

  • kg-width-wide: For wider content
  • kg-width-full: For full-width content
  • kg-gallery-container: For image galleries
  • kg-bookmark-card: For link previews